The class of 2020 will forever be rockstars in my book. Cameron and I met in the fall of 2019 to take these photos. Looking back on these images now I am reminded of a bit of the innocence that we felt when we met. If we only knew then what we know now about what the world would look like just four short months after this. It feels like in a blink of a eye everything changed, especially for those graduating in the Spring of 2020. None of the rights of passage that we are accustomed too and a world so locked down in fear. My heart ached for these Seniors as what would have been such a time of celebration was amended and they held that space so bravely.

I was very proud of Cameron when we met again in the Spring for a quick update of his Senior photos before his graduation. We talked about how things had changed, how he and his friends were handling things and how they plan to move forward from this. I know that many kids kept a brave face, but my heart will always hurt a little to think of the things they sacrificed to keep our community safe.

**Pentax 645, Fuji 400h, The FIND lab**

Location: Mill Pond Park

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 tacoma studio photographer, kids portraits
Tacoma family photographer
 kids portraits , tacoma studio photographer
 tacoma studio photographer,Tacoma family photographer
 kids portraits
 kids portraits
Tacoma family photographer, tacoma studio photographer
 kids portraits , tacoma studio photographer
Tacoma family photographer, kids portraits
 kids portraits , tacoma studio photographer
 tacoma studio photographer,Tacoma family photographer
Tacoma family photographer, tacoma studio photographer
 kids portraits
 tacoma studio photographer, kids portraits
 kids portraits
 kids portraits ,Tacoma family photographer
 kids portraits
 kids portraits , tacoma studio photographer
 kids portraits , tacoma studio photographer
Tacoma family photographer, tacoma studio photographer
Tacoma family photographer
 kids portraits
 tacoma studio photographer
Tacoma family photographer, tacoma studio photographer
Tacoma family photographer
 kids portraits