Rainy wedding,Tauranga wedding photographer

Shauni and Ben got married at a Luxury Boutique Lodge in Taupo.

The ladies had a lovely relaxing morning getting their hair and make up done at the on site accommodations while the men had to get a little creative with a couple of waldrobe malfunctions at Bens mums place.

After a beautiful first look where Ben looked absolutely stoked with his bride to be, we took the bride party out for some photos and just a couple of pre ceremony bubbles.

Right as the guests converaged down at the spectacular pond to await the ceremony the skys opened up and we all huddled up under the trees and in the marquee to wait for it to pass.

The ceremony itself was such a personailised event with Shauni’s brother as celebrant for the day and borrowing a few lines from Shauni’s favourite TV show ‘Friends"

The rest of the day was spent mingling with their friends and family, enjoying some amazing food and a few other photos as the sun went down lighting up the clouds.

The dance floor was hit HARD after a first dance to “Ill be there for you” and im sure, after a few Mr Whippy breaks, lasted long into the night.

Thank you Shauni and Ben for having us along to spend the day with you xx

Caterer: Andrew and Amanda Madsen and Wild-tribe Catering


Florist: Anna Sinclair of The Flower Lady -


Dress maker: Paper Swan Bridal Boutique (Wellington)


Make up artist: Chantelle Taylor of Taylored Beauty -


Hair dresser: Natalie Gibbons-Ririnui -


Celebrant: Jamie Carpenter -


Second Shooter: Tahlia Dredge


Venue:Centennial House Taupo


Rotroua photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Lisa Quirk Photography,Bay of Plenty Photographer
BOP weddings,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Taupo Wedding,Bay of Plenty Photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Rotroua photographer
Beautiful weddings,BOP weddings
BOP weddings,Rainy wedding
Rainy wedding,Beautiful weddings
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,Beautiful weddings
Rainy wedding,Rotroua photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Bay of Plenty Photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Beautiful weddings
Taupo Wedding
Tauranga wedding photographer,Bay of Plenty Photographer
BOP weddings,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Rotorua Wedding photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,Rotroua photographer
Rainy wedding,Lisa Quirk Photography
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Beautiful weddings,Lisa Quirk Photography
Rotroua photographer,BOP weddings
Rotroua photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Tauranga wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Lisa Quirk Photography,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
Beautiful weddings,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Taupo Wedding,Rainy wedding
Tauranga wedding photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rotroua photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Rotroua photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Beautiful weddings
Lisa Quirk Photography,Rainy wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Rotroua photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Rotorua Wedding photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Beautiful weddings
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer
Taupo Wedding
Beautiful weddings,New Zealand wedding photographer
Rainy wedding,Lisa Quirk Photography
Rotroua photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,Bay of Plenty Photographer
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Taupo Wedding,BOP weddings
Rotroua photographer,Beautiful weddings
Rainy wedding,Taupo Wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Bay of Plenty Photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Rotroua photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotroua photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotroua photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,New Zealand wedding photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rainy wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Taupo Wedding,Lisa Quirk Photography
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Beautiful weddings
Bay of Plenty Photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Rainy wedding
New Zealand wedding photographer,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,BOP weddings
Beautiful weddings,Rainy wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Rainy wedding
Beautiful weddings,BOP weddings
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Lisa Quirk Photography,Beautiful weddings
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Rainy wedding
New Zealand wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
Rainy wedding,Taupo Wedding
Bay of Plenty Photographer
Beautiful weddings,New Zealand wedding photographer
Rotorua Wedding photographer
Rainy wedding,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Beautiful weddings,New Zealand wedding photographer
Rotorua Wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
BOP weddings,Beautiful weddings
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer
Taupo Wedding,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Taupo Wedding,Beautiful weddings
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
Tauranga wedding photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Lisa Quirk Photography
BOP weddings,Tauranga wedding photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer
Taupo Wedding,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Rotroua photographer,Taupo Wedding
Lisa Quirk Photography,New Zealand wedding photographer
BOP weddings
Beautiful weddings,Rotroua photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
Lisa Quirk Photography,Taupo Wedding
New Zealand wedding photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Rainy wedding,Beautiful weddings
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rainy wedding
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Taupo Wedding,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,Rotorua Wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Beautiful weddings
Tauranga wedding photographer,New Zealand wedding photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
New Zealand wedding photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Taupo Wedding,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Taupo Wedding,Rotroua photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Taupo Wedding
Taupo Wedding,Rotroua photographer
Lisa Quirk Photography,Beautiful weddings
Lisa Quirk Photography,New Zealand wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Lisa Quirk Photography
Rainy wedding,Taupo Wedding
Rotorua Wedding photographer,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rainy wedding
Beautiful weddings,Rainy wedding
Rainy wedding,BOP weddings
Taupo Wedding,Rotroua photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Lisa Quirk Photography,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Beautiful weddings,Tauranga wedding photographer
Rotroua photographer,Bay of Plenty Photographer
Rainy wedding,Rotorua Wedding photographer
Beautiful weddings,Rotorua Wedding photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding
Taupo Wedding,Bay of Plenty Photographer
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rotorua Wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Lisa Quirk Photography
Lisa Quirk Photography,Beautiful weddings
Rainy wedding,Rotroua photographer
Tauranga wedding photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Lisa Quirk Photography,Tauranga wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Rotroua photographer,Tauranga wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Lisa Quirk Photography
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Taupo Wedding
Lisa Quirk Photography,New Zealand wedding photographer
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Lisa Quirk Photography
Lisa Quirk Photography,Rainy wedding
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Bay of Plenty Photographer,Taupo Wedding
New Zealand wedding photographer,Rotorua Wedding photographer
BOP weddings,Taupo Wedding
Tauranga wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Rotorua Wedding photographer,BOP weddings
Tauranga wedding photographer,Taupo Wedding