Baby B is such a sweet little thing, she is going to have her daddy wrapped around her little finger in no time. I'm going to bet within the next couple of years she will be attending K-State Football games with her daddy and cheering the team on to a Wildcat Victory, but until then she will just enjoy life with her mom and dad and dogs and cats.

Excelsior Springs Missouri,Tryst Falls
Studio PBJ Photography,Excelsior Springs Missouri
Maternity Photography,Studio PBJ Photography
Studio PBJ Photography
Pregnancy Photos
Pregnancy Photos,Tryst Falls
Maternity Photography,Studio PBJ Photography
Maternity Photography,Pregnancy Photos
Pregnancy Photos,Excelsior Springs Missouri
Excelsior Springs Missouri,Pregnancy Photos
Tryst Falls,Maternity Photography
Maternity Photography,Excelsior Springs Missouri
Pregnancy Photos,Excelsior Springs Missouri
Maternity Photography
Pregnancy Photos,Studio PBJ Photography
Maternity Photography,Pregnancy Photos